On 27th Dec 2019 7:00pm, the School of Economics and Management conducted a new year party for international students for the third time in the second teaching building, Yanta campus. The vice-president of the College of International Education QIN Jing,the party secretary of the School of Economics and Management YAN Dawei and vice-president WU Xun and LI Junting, as well as the representative supervisors of international students attended the party. They gathered together with more than 50 students including current international students in the School of Economics and Management and volunteers had an unforgettable time with enthusiastic atmosphere in this auspicious winter.
At the beginning, the party secretary of the School of Economics and Management YAN Dawei expressed the highly welcome towards all the international students enrolled during 2019, and he also indicated that that the oversea study experience is worth cherishing and remembering and encouraged all the international students to blend in the university by making comparison between Chinese and foreign cultures and becoming international friendship ambassadors.
Afterwards, the vice-president of the College of International Education QIN Jing gave a welcome speech as well. She showed gratitude to the School of Economics and Management about their long standing support towards international education. And she also indicated that she hope that the School of Economics and Management could hand in hand with the College of International Education and cultivate more international students with global competence.
Thereafter, the vice-president of the School of Economics and Management LI Junting started his welcome speech by retrospecting the development history of international education of the faculty, and he also expressed his appreciation about the efforts that teachers made in the process of international education. At the same time, he put forward new requirements that he wish all the international students could become messengers of communication and bring multi-culture to the university.
文化交流表演活动中,bevictor伟德辅导员陆晓寒老师用萨克斯为大家演奏了一曲《Know you by heart》,优美的音乐正应了那一句“绕梁三日,余音不绝”;随后,bevictor伟德的王璟老师和张晓超老师为大家演绎了“罗衣何飘摇,轻裾随风还”,《礼仪之邦》一舞令大家久久无法忘怀;最后,来自哈萨克斯坦和俄罗斯的职工马英九和李小龙为大家带来一曲《Old town road》,赢得全场阵阵掌声。除此之外,为了更好的调动职工积极性,学院还组织同学们进行了“抢凳子”的小游戏,现场一时间充盈着欢声笑语。
In the performance section, the college counselor LU Xiaohan used her saxophone and played a beautiful tune 《Know you by heart》 for us; Another college counselor Wang Jing and faculty lecturer ZHANG Xiaochao danced in Han Chinese clothing which impressed us greatly; finally, international students MA Yingjiu and LI Xiaolong from Kazakhstan and Russia respectively played the guitar and sang songs for us. Besides, the faculty also arranged games for international students in order to encourage students to fully participate in the party.
This is the third time for the School of Economics and Management to conduct new year party for international students. The School of Economics and Management has been always devoted to international students education and establish a communication platform.